The Libyan Parliamentary Elections are scheduled to be held later this year. Taking into account this momentous occasion the director of Gender Concerns International Ms. Sabra Bano, has been on a 2-week Mission in Tunis, preparing the re-activation of our Libya operations with a specific view to the upcoming elections in the country. The organization’s Libya operations will initially be based in Tunis, with regular field visits to Libya.
Gender Concerns International was planning to go on a Mission to Libya in the first week of May; however, the horrific attack on Libya’s High National Election Commission (HNEC) on the 2nd of May delayed the mission.
Despite the fear that the terrorists inflicted upon the nation and the instability in these uncertain times, the Libyan elections are going to move forward. The Libyan people deserve a free and fair voting environment in order to democratically elect representatives to lead the country into a peaceful future. Libya will not give up the fight for democracy, which is made clear through their willingness to carry on the democratic processes.
Click to read the Report from the Gender Election Observation Mission in Libya 2012