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Remember Ukraine’s Women, Girls, Involve Them in Design, Implementation of Peacemaking, Recovery, Deputy Secretary-General Urges Summit

June 26, 2022

The UN Deputy Secretary-General Amina Mohammed’s made a statement with a video message to the second Kyiv Summit of the First Ladies and Gentlemen: Ukraine and the World — the Future We (Re)build Together. Ms. Mohammed stated that Russia’s war in Ukraine, in violation of the United Nations Charter, has caused immense loss of life, suffering, displacement and material damage.

Women and girls face significantly increased risks to their safety. Access to health services, including sexual and reproductive health, is deteriorating. When forced to flee, women face the risk of trafficking and sexual exploitation. It is essential that women are fully and meaningfully involved in the design and implementation of humanitarian assistance, peacemaking, and recovery efforts. This is not only about women’s rights; it is about effectiveness.

The United Nations will continue to provide immediate and life-saving humanitarian aid, including to displaced Ukrainians. We will support all efforts to rebuild a peaceful and prosperous Ukraine.

Ukraine: Humanitarian Assistance for Women and GBV SHould be Accounted For

June 1, 2022

#Ukraine: Sexual and Reproductive #GBV must be accounted for as discussed by IGCs representing Hague IGC HUB.

Was a wonderful experience to be engaged with corporate sector on the issue of direct role for women organisations in facilitating humanitarian assistance.

Director's Message: Solidarity and Support for Ukraine

This is a message of solidarity and support to our partners, friends and especially those who have welcomed us and extended their cooperation during my Pre-election Gender Needs Assessment Mission to Ukraine in 2019.

Our hearts and thoughts go to you and your friends and families at this hour of compassion.

Herewith, we express our concern over the deteriorating security situation in Ukraine that seems to be affecting the whole region.

Considering that any defense situation which leads to a military escalation is bound to impact development and democracy, today we applaud your courage and strength, and would like to reiterate our attention and support to the Civil Society Organisations and other stakeholders in Ukraine.

We urge the European Institutions and the International Community to stay firm in supporting democracy and development in Ukraine, also in these hours when the alarming defense and security situation is prioritized.

In solidarity,

Sabra Bano


Ukraine: Day of Unity

“To live in peace, to live happily, with one family”

Solidarity and Support to Sovereignty

Gender Concerns International

Media Release

The Hague, 16th February 2022

Today marks a day of patriotism and national unity in Ukraine. The courageous citizens stay calm while witnessing the military buildup around their borders.

We admire the inspirational strength and leadership of Civil Society Organizations contributing to the freedom, stability and better functioning of democracy in Ukraine, despite the eminently posed and rising challenges.

16th February, the Day of Unity has been feared as a critical day concerning the ongoing crisis. We stay in solidarity with the committed Civil Society and Women Organisations in Ukraine who have demonstrated their concerns in a collective voice urging for democracy, peace and security in the country.

Referring to her Ukraine Pre-elections Gender Needs Assessment Mission in 2019, director Sabra Bano, expresses“solidarity with and her support to Women and Civil Society organisations, national institutions especially the Central Election Commission of Ukraine and national mediaorganisationNational Council of Television and Radio Broadcasting of Ukraine. Today we think about the Dutch and other diplomatic missions, EU, the Council of Europe, and all those on the ground, to reaffirm our commitment in promoting peace, security and democracy in Ukraine, as our joint mission”.

Long live the sovereignty and independence of Ukraine.

We join the celebration of this Day of Unity in Ukraine calling for the respect and recognition of the rights of a nation “to live in peace, to live happily, as one family.”


Darina Schram-Kondyreva
Communication and Outreach


Gender Concerns International is a gender and development international organisation based in The Hague working to support and advocate for women's participation at all levels of Governance and Decision-making processes, Women, Peace and Security and Gender and Environment.

Further information: and

Oder 20, 2491 DC, The Hague the Netherlands

Telephone: +31 (0) 70 444 5082

Ukraine: Time to Push for Gender Electoral Parity, The Parliamentary Elections

Media Release

The Hague, 28th May 2019

Director Gender Concerns International and International Gender Champion, Sabra Bano, who led the Pre-election Needs Gender Assessment Mission (PNGAM) to Ukraine last January, emphasised the urgency for the international community to work harder and collectively to ensure that women’s electoral participation and gender parity in electoral processes is strengthened in Ukraine with no time lost. Despite the fact that candidates list will close by June 6th, this is still an opportune moment to push for electoral parity considering the scope of the upcoming snap parliamentary elections as well as future elections in Ukraine.

The statement issued today by the United Nations Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator in Ukraine Ms. Osnat Lubrani, is a significant and an encouraging lead into the right direction as it endorses the need for equal participation of women in parliamentary elections, stated Bano in an internal meeting convened to discuss the upcoming Parliamentary Elections in Ukraine.

Gender Concerns International
is an international gender and development organization with its headquarters in The Hague that pioneered and specialized in observing international elections from a pure gender perspective. It has conducted a series of unique GEOMs successfully observing elections exclusively from a gender perspective in Pakistan (2008, 2013), Tunisia (2011, 2014), Morocco (2011, 2015, 2016), Libya (2012), Myanmar (2015) and The Netherlands (2017).

For further details please contact:

Zaneta Meinert, Management and Outreach,

Gender Concerns International Benoordenhoutseweg 23, 2596 BA, The Hague, the Netherlands

E: info@genderconcerns.orgP: +31 (0) 74445082 W:

Zelensky to become the president of Ukraine after landslide victory

April 23, 2019

The second round of the elections of the President of Ukraine kicked off in Ukraine on Sunday, 21st April at 8 a.m.

In the morning of 22nd April, with 95,6% of the protocols processed, CEC reported that the popular comedian Volodymyr Zelensky had achieved a landslide victory, gathering 73,12% of the votes – winning in all regions except for Lviv. Only 24,50% of the people voted for the the incumbent president Petro Poroshenko.

Poroshenko congratulated Zelensky and announced, that he will leave his post, but will remain in politics.

“I am the optimist and I emphasize that everything will be good and Ukraine will be successful, great, European state. And it is the task of the authority and opposition and we will not withdraw from the responsibility”, Poroshenko said.

International Election Observation Missions Comply With The Ukrainian Law

February 8, 2019

With a view to launch it GEOM, Gender Concerns has been closely following the recent developments in Ukraine regarding the Ukraine’s position towards accepting Russian election observers as part of international election observation missions.

Yesterday, the bill banning Russians from engaging in election monitoring in Ukraine was passed by the Ukrainian parliament, which caused a certain reaction from both Russia and OSCE.

However, recognizing Ukraine’s independence and sovereignty, OSCE has, after some time of reflection, chosen to comply with the said law and has removed the two Russians from their original list of proposed election observers for the Ukrainian presidential elections.

When asked, whether the OSCE is considering replacing these 2 Russians, the spokesperson for OSCE ODIHR – Thomas Rymer said: "If, as the Ukrainian authorities have already announced, these two people are not accredited as observers, then there will be 90 long-term observers with the mission", meaning that the election monitoring activities in Ukraine will continue as planned with the first observers arriving on Monday 11th February.

This is a welcome response that further ensures European support to strengthen democracy and the democratic transformation in Ukraine.

Pre-Election Gender Need Assessment Mission in Ukraine

January 17, 2019

Gender Concerns International between January 14-18, conducted a successful Pre-Election Gender Need Assessment Mission (PEGNAM) in Kyiv, Ukraine. Director Sabra Bano met with various stakeholders to learn about the electoral processes, media coverage, engagement of civil society organisations, and position of the international community. Meetings included The Central Election Commission, the National Council of Television and Radio Broadcasting of Ukraine, representatives of Petro Poroshenko Bloc "Solidarity" as well as local civil society organizations such as Committee of Voters of Ukraine and Civil Network OPORA. Ms. Bano also met with delegations of various diplomatic missions to Ukraine such as The Embassy of the Netherlands, Germany, Canada, Norway, Finland, Switzerland, Delegation at European Union, OSCE and Council of Europe. Gender Concerns International is preparing its PGNAM report and shall release its findings as well as recommendations concerning the upcoming Presidential and Parliamentary elections in Ukraine.

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