Launching Bayan II project in Afghanistan

Gender Concerns International is looking forward to the launch this year of the project in Afghanistan, Bayan II – Inclusive Governance and Improved Security through Influencing. The Bayan II project is an international partnership with three Dutch and seven Afghan organisations.

The two-year project aims to link national influencing and awareness raising to the important issue areas of inclusive security and political participation of Afghan women. Project activities will focus on leveraging innovative public outreach and awareness platforms; policy influencing and advocacy at the central level in Kabul, across provincial governments and CSOs, and on an international level in Europe and in New York at the United Nations. Capacity building interventions with partners and programme target participants will promote women’s rights in accordance with the Dutch NAP 1325.

This project builds on the successful experience of the one-year Gender Concerns Bayan pilot, Bayan: Connecting Afghans for Women’s Rights, which established a dedicated, indigenous social media platform and created the foundation for a cohesive partnership between the respective Dutch INGOs and Afghan organisations around the engagement and influencing power of educated Afghan youth.

Women are seen as significant change-makers with regard to their own future. The long-term outcome aims to further increase the added value and influence women already have on the community as a whole. This additional influence ensures that, amongst others, the youth will be reached, represented by both young girls and boys.

The long-term outcome promotes the continuation of a gender-balanced trend. More women can take the lead and receive support in exercising their right, by both the policy-makers and decision-makers, and the public at large.


More about Launching Bayan II project in Afghanistan