Commemorating 18th anniversary of the organisation, its first staff meeting of 2022 was organized on 12 January online. The team members discussed the strategic direction of national and international operation. Regardless the challenges that are posed by the COVID-19 safety measures, team members discussed the plans that aim to support local partners and other stakeholders in focus countries. Humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan, democratic roadblocks in Libya and Tunisia, women`s rise in governance in Morocco and the Netherlands, peace and security in Myanmar and environmental engagement in Pakistan were discussed in detail.
Together with the director of the organization, Ms. Bano, each team member greatly contributed to the discussion reassuring own commitment to the vision and mission of the organisations, that were set 18 years ago continuously serving as a guideline to evolve action on the ground.
The team is motivated to remain focused and ambitious to support local communities and women organisations confronted with the challenges that the year 2022 brings along with Covid19 still casting a dark shadow on the attainment of fundamental human rights of people globally.