Ms. Sabra Bano, director of Gender Concerns International, will be one of the speakers at Tunis Forum on Gender Equality. Ms. Bano is a committed champion of gender equality and electoral parity and has prolific experience advancing the active participation of women at all levels of government and political decision-making. Gender Concerns International is an active player internationally, supporting civil society and women`s organizations in building their capacity to strengthen female leadership, inclusive governance, and lobbying and advocacy, respectively with national institutions, ministries and international organisations.
This will be in line with the goals of the Tunis Forum and will be part of the wider agenda of 2030 and the frameworks of Beijing plus 25 and 20 years of UNSCR 1325. The Tunis Forum will focus on women’s participation in local government and encouraging their economic empowerment. The forum will give an opportunity for the international community to see how to connect and integrate gender equality processes like the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals and will highlight the important role of civil society in promoting gender equality.