GEOM: Gender Concerns International Launched Its Mission to Observe EU Election in The Netherlands

EU 2024 Elections have been observed by a team of Gender Concerns International under its initiated Gender Election Observation Mission (GEOM), led by Sabra Bano, across the Netherlands. GEOM covered Polling Stations in major cities such as Amsterdam, The Hague, and Utrecht, and various municipalities, aiming to assess the election proceedings from a gender perspective.

Throughout the day, the GEOM team noted a smooth and efficient voting process, with both the opening and closing of polling stations running seamlessly. A highlight of the mission was the significant increase in the number of women serving as chairs of polling stations, demonstrating notable progress in gender parity since the last observation mission in 2017. Additionally, there was a strong presence of women volunteers, contributing to a well-managed election day.

The mission also identified some areas for further improvement, such as ensuring better accessibility for voters with mobility disabilities and addressing minor administrative oversights to ensure every eligible voter can cast their ballot. Despite these minor challenges, the overall experience was positive, with no significant disruptions or technical issues reported.

The GEOM team's observations and insights will play a crucial role in promoting gender equality in future electoral processes. The dedication and efforts of everyone involved contributed to a successful election day, reflecting the robust democratic spirit of the Netherlands.