Monday - Tuesday the 23rd - 24th of July, Gender Concerns International is organizing the conference “The Alarming Gender-Gap in North-West Tunisia: 2018 and Beyond Roadmap” in Tunis, which is implemented in partnership with Association Tunisienne Des Femmes
The first day of the conference will provide female job-seekers and aspiring entrepreneurs from the four North-Western regions Beja, Le Kef, Jendouba and Siliana the opportunity to discuss with regional stakeholders the challenges they are facing for equal participation in the Tunisian economy and
The second day of the conference will provide a venue for multiple regional and national stakeholders to be engaged in a forward-looking strategic discussion on Gender-Inclusive Regional Economic Development. The discussion will take its starting point in the developed roadmap. With a general election perspective in
We look forward to a fruitful discussion that will strengthen the engagement and commitment for the economic empowerment of women in North-West Tunisia.