Historic Turnout in EU Elections 2024: Voters Shape Future of Europe

The 2024 European Parliament elections have reshaped the political landscape across Europe. In France, Marine Le Pen's National Rally achieved a significant result, capturing over 30% of the vote, prompting President Emmanuel Macron to dissolve the National Assembly and call for snap elections. Germany witnessed a surge in far-right support, with the Alternative for Germany (AfD) finishing second and Chancellor Olaf Scholz's SPD suffering its worst EU election result ever. Italy's Giorgia Meloni also emerged as a key power broker, with her Brothers of Italy party capturing over 28% of the vote.

Despite these far-right gains, the center-right European People's Party (EPP) remained the largest group in the Parliament. However, both the Greens and the liberal Renew Europe group experienced significant losses. These results signal a shift in the EU's political dynamics, with rising nationalist sentiment challenging traditional centrist and left-wing parties.