The Libyan elections scheduled for December 24 last year have been delayed as Libyan prioritize to achieve a broader national consensus on constitutional and political considerations.
International Community has been supporting national institutions and civil society organisations in Libya to prepare them for elections. The temporary delay will not likely hold this support process, as a democratically elected government in Libya, legitimises its relations with the rest of the world.
Gender Concernshas been honoured to be invited by The High National Election Commission (HNEC) Libya to observe the December 2021 elections. Organisation accepted the privileged invitation by initiating the formalization of the accreditation process for its Gender Election Observation Mission (GEOM) Libya, International Observers` team.
Now that unfortunately the elections are postponed, it is important to note that this also provides an opportunity to all those promoting gender equality in Libya, to specifically support and capacity-build the women organisations.
“It is urgent and vital that the assessment of the needs of Libyan women are ranked top to fast-tracking their enhanced inclusion into all electoral processes”, commented director Sabra Bano reflecting on the postponement of elections in Libya. This includes professional guidance for female candidate campaigning, women`s general knowledge about voting procedure, better awareness and reporting for Electoral Gender Based Violence and discrimination, The Election Day Administration, and Post-election follow-up.
This time, favours a brilliant chance for the International Community to support full participation, and protection of women`s fundamental human rights in Libya well in line with our joint commitment to UNSCR 1325 and Women, Peace and Security agenda for Libya.