One of Libya’s most prominent female politicians and women’s rights activists MP Seham Sergiwa was kidnapped earlier this year in July. Ms. Sergiwa is accused of publicly criticizing the military assault committed by Khalifa Haftar on Libya’s capital Tripoli, during the elections in April this year. Some of Sergiwa’s family members witnessed her kidnapping and saw masked men from the 106th Battalion, one of the forces commanded by Mr. Haftar. To this date, Sergiwa’s family has not received any news on her situation or whereabouts, increasing the probability that she is no longer alive.
This incident, in combination with the many other human rights violations taking place in Libya, has triggered response from the international community. Women´s rights and civil society organisations are building pressure and demand the UN to take serious measures to address these atrocities against civilians. They further demand an investigative mechanism to be installed in Libya, that is capable to counter impunity and decrease the incidents of human rights violations taking place in the country now. So far, the UN has not undertaken action but recognises that additional humanitarian support is needed in Libya.