Dear Partners and colleagues,
Another year on with your reassurances of support and engagement to make this world a better place for all.
The year 2021 like none other in the past 18 years of our work history, not only tested the core of principles of partnership in Afghanistan but it also gave us a great sense of accomplishment when on the home ground here in the Netherlands the historic gender-parity governance demand became a factual reality.
Across the world, the process of elections was derailed in Libya but more women joined the electoral race in Morocco. Under fragile democracy, Tunisia gained woman leadership and Myanmar did not raise any hope to free its woman leader under dictatorship.
We embarked Afghanistan in late 2007 as a first-ever international gender and development organisation to initiate women`s broader interactives consultations in Afghanistan.
As a signatory to Dutch National Action Plan on UNSCR 1325, the first Regional Conference on Women, Peace and Security was organized in Kabul in 2009 with the support of the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Since then internationally, women organisations in Afghanistan were fully respected and recognized as partners at all international meetings and discussions on Afghanistan. A large number of women, human rights and media organisations only grew since then throughout Afghanistan earning international support.
Events took place in 2021 Afghanistan, not only required evacuation support for staff and partners but also posed a challenge to offer support to those on the ground confronted with immediate unemployment, growing food shortages and human rights violation cases.
The beginning of 2022 reassures us that we were able to provide safe passage to some of our staff and partners and for the others based in Afghanistan we stand with them, working closely to better prepare ourselves for Afghanistan of today.
Despite the lasting challenges of Covid19, 2021 has been a highly engaging year for Gender Concerns International laying the foundation for the dedicated implementation of our annual strategic plan 2022.
During the past year, the organization continued to thrive and dynamically took action in pursuing gender parity and gender equality efforts, internationally. With your support, we successfully launched Gender Election Observation Mission in Morocco and the Netherlands, and carried out the campaigns such as #EndElectoralGBV, #SheLeads, and 1:1 On the Candidate List.
We pledge and reaffirm our commitment to work for parity in all decision-making processes, including environmental decision-making.
For the first time in history, Dutch Cabinet consists of an equal number of men and women, 1:1. This inspiring milestone offers a real prospective for year 2022, making it a reference for determination and devotion to have decision-making and governance parity both. Stay with us being as generous as you always have been to our work. Your trust and support provide us with energy and motivation.
The team is grateful for your acknowledgment for its perseverance. Thank you and a Happy New Year to you.
Sabra Bano