Today the NPO1 channel live streamed the presentation of the new cabinet, cabinet Rutte IV. It is the first time in Dutch politics that the proportion of men and women in the Council of Ministers is 1:1; there are ten men and ten women.
It is noticeable progress regarding equal gender representation in Dutch politics. Mainly because in 1956, there was only one woman in the Council. However, even now, the legitimacy of women in council is still being questioned. The reporter pointed out that it remains unclear whether the proportion was reached intentionally or as a coincidence. In other words, he raised the question of whether gender played a decisive role when the women ministers were selected, or if it happened due to their professional experience. Interesting enough, not all of the new ministers have a political background. Some of the ministers were specifically chosen due to their achievements in science.
Nevertheless, the proportion of men and women as secretaries of ministers is 5:4, where the majority are men.
The new cabinet represents four political parties: VVD, D66, CDA, and ChristenUnie.