Press Release
The Hague 18th May 2012
World Leaders back Afghan Women’s Inclusion at NATO Summit Chicago
Gender Concerns International endorses and supports strong statements issued by a number of women’s and civil society organizations and prominent international leaders raising the importance of including women in brokering any peace deal with the Taliban and agreeing on a peace and security framework for Afghanistan post-2014. As representatives of the European Union, the United Nations, the World Bank and 61 countries prepare to meet to discuss the future of Afghanistan, Afghan women and civil society are also preparing to ensure that the summit keeps women at the forefront in agreements on how the international community will work with Afghanistan to create peace and security in the war-torn nation.
Gender Concerns International is pleased that Afghan women appear to be firmly on the agenda for the NATO Summit in Chicago this weekend. This has no doubt been due to the valiant efforts of civil society and several world leaders pushing for greater women’s inclusion such as Hillary Clinton and Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi. During a congressional delegation in Afghanistan recently, Ms Pelosi encouraged the Afghanistan President to include more women in discussions at the Chicago Summit this week and in the follow up conference in Tokyo scheduled for July. Ms Pelosi stated that “On every occasion, our delegation stressed the importance of Afghan women being involved in security decisions, especially in light of the upcoming NATO summits in Chicago and Tokyo.” {1}
Anticipated to emerge from the Chicago Summit are final agreements on the date for the complete transition of the Afghan National Security Force, details of international support after 2014 and a roadmap for NATO in Afghanistan following the transition. Gender Concerns International hopes that the much welcomed prior commitment to Afghan women is reflected in these documents and marks a firm international commitment to include women in all future conferences tasked with discussions on the future of a nation.
Gender Concerns International strongly supports civil society and the Afghan women’s struggle to protect women’s rights during NATO discussions in Chicago. As promised in our press release issued on 16 May 2012, partner of Gender Concerns International, the Afghan Women's Network has issued its Position Paper, which can be found at the following link.
For more information, please contact Mellaney Rodriguez, Program Coordinator Inclusive Governance and Transition tel. 070 444 50 82, email: | | Twitter | Facebook