Gender Concerns International’s programme activities are focused on capacity building, lobbying and advocacy, facilitation of training, support of women's organisations and relevant civil society organisations. Gender Concerns International’s programmes take an innovative multidimensional approach to strengthening and enhancing the effectiveness of female leadership by supporting the capacity of local women’s organisations, promoting the effectiveness of female leadership at the community and parliamentary level, and facilitating valuable methods of interaction between major stakeholders in women’s affairs. This includes individual female leaders and parliamentarians, civil society organisations, women-led organisations and the Ministry of Women’s Affairs. The ability for women to share experiences, their skills and interact with one another in an open and cooperative manner on gender issues has wide reaching implications for the potential for women leaders to continue to push the gender agenda and achieve genuine rule of law in Myanmar, Afghanistan, Tunisia, Pakistan, Morocco and Libya.
Gender and environmental sustainability are inextricably interlinked. Women’s unequal participation in the environmental decision-making processes hinders their sustained resilience against environmental challenge, most notably climate change.
In light of the current Coronavirus outbreak, Gender Concerns International has a deep concern for people and communities in under-privileged and economically deprived areas who may be left alone to deal with the gravity of the evolving crisis. As a response, the organisation has launched the #SheCaresCovid19 campaign to bring light to the everyday struggles of women everywhere affected by the virus.
Gender equality and inclusive electoral and socio-economic practices are crucial for the establishment of a functioning democracy. Participation, inclusion and citizenship rights are just as fundamental to the success of a functioning democratic state as are elections, systems of check and balances and a range of political parties.
Gender Concerns International advocates proportional representation of ethnic and cultural minorities into Dutch political and policy making structures. We believe that the progressive integration of minorities into national and international representative bodies is the key for social harmony and societal balance.
In the last 20 years, the majority of the poorest countries have suffered from war. After establishing peace almost half of these countries relapsed in the former state of conflict. Most post-war reconstruction strategies, which aim to help the whole population in the area of conflict, neglect the uniqueness and different needs of disparate groups in the society.
Women are particularly affected by disasters, according to the World Health Organisation. The account for over seventy five percent of displaced persons, and are particularly vulnerable to reproductive and sexual health problems, all the while taking the roles of caretakers in the post-disaster context and losing their sources of income.